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Movement and Play Activities for Babies and Toddlers

2020-11-26T21:21:29+10:00November 4th, 2020|Articles|

Are you searching for play activities for babies and toddlers? Our movement and play ideas are fun-filled learning experiences for the home environment. Baby playtime is a time for family bonding and time for babies to grow stronger, active and confident. There are many different kinds of play, including indoor and outdoor play, active play, [...]

Early Childhood Literacy Activities for Children

2020-10-29T06:49:22+10:00October 21st, 2020|Articles|

Early childhood literacy activities go beyond reading and writing. Children develop literacy as they engage in everyday experiences. Things like singing, cooking, folding the laundry and shopping can help your child develop skills for learning and engaging with society. Families seeking literacy activities for their preschooler or toddlers will find practical ideas below that they [...]

Baby Development Milestones: Your Child’s First 12 Months

2020-10-21T23:15:30+10:00October 7th, 2020|Articles|

Baby development milestones are an introduction to your child's first twelve months. We separate our baby milestones into segments based on the Early Years Learning Framework. You should consider these milestones through the lens of your family and child. All children learn at their own pace. Premature babies may develop slower than other children who [...]

How To Survive Camping With Toddlers

2020-09-30T20:09:19+10:00September 16th, 2020|Articles|

Camping with toddlers might seem like an adventure that could quickly become a disaster. What could go wrong with bringing a young child out into the wilderness? You might lose it, cry and pull your hair out but you'll also have some fantastic experiences with our tips. Young children love to explore nature. Whether they're a baby, [...]

New Baby: How To Avoid Sibling Jealousy

2020-09-25T20:55:23+10:00September 2nd, 2020|Articles|

New baby in residence or on the way? Congratulations! It's difficult to imagine how newborns - those tiny bundles of joy with their natural ability to mesmerise adults—can turn families with older children upside down with sibling jealousy. Babies are beautiful additions to any family. Whether they're your second, third or seventh child, they have [...]

Explore Learning Through Play With Children

2020-09-17T20:57:34+10:00August 19th, 2020|Articles|

Learning through play occurs naturally through everyday experiences. Children learn by exploring, using their imagination and by making decisions often through trial and error. Play changes as children grow, and many different forms of play support children's agency. Families can promote play by encouraging and participating in children's play. Playing together is one of the [...]

At Home Multicultural Activities for Children

2020-01-15T02:00:09+10:00January 14th, 2020|Articles, Culture|

Multiculturalism is a word that’s long been associated with Australia. Our country has many different people from diverse backgrounds. By encouraging children to experience multicultural activities at home, it helps them to build positive relationships. The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that all children have the right to feel accepted [...]

Toddler Biting And What To Do About It

2019-12-03T22:31:43+10:00October 15th, 2019|Articles|

Toddler biting is an awkward reality of life. Toddler's chew on everything from parents to other siblings or pets and sometimes other children. It's when they start chomping on others that it can get a bit uncomfortable. The good news is that this behaviour is often temporary. Children from the moment they begin teething, to [...]

Baby Stuff: Our Baby Essentials Guide for Newborns

2019-12-03T22:27:20+10:00September 24th, 2019|Articles|

Shopping for your newborn can make you dizzy. It is a challenge to know what to buy and if you really need it, especially in the lead up to that big day. There are so many adorable things available but our essentials guide to baby stuff will keep you focused on what your baby needs. [...]

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