
An Environment for Learning: Caloundra’s Bush Kindy

Bush Kindy is an emergent environment for learning. Learning environments are a key element of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). They are integral to supporting other aspects, such as creating a sense of belonging, being, learning through play, and developing a sense of independence and autonomy. At Petit Early Learning Journey, we intentionally design [...]

2020-09-30T20:17:22+10:00September 29th, 2020|Culture|

Looking After You: Resilience Training for Educators

When we talk about resilience training in child care, the focus is often on strengthening children's wellbeing. The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) frequently raises wellbeing as it is pivotal to experiencing belonging, being and becoming. Being resilient improves wellbeing. Beyond Blue describes resilience as "Doing well during or after an adverse event, or a [...]

2020-09-17T20:47:39+10:00August 27th, 2020|Articles, Culture|

Parents Are A Child’s First Teacher: Why Family Partnerships Are So Important

Improving child development is best achieved in early education and care environments when there are strong family partnerships. Documented research and experience widely supports the positive effect on a child's development. A 2010 report for the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, examined a large body of research that shows families have [...]

2020-07-29T17:30:06+10:00July 29th, 2020|Articles, Culture|

Reflective practice – The key to providing better educational experiences

Reflective practice in child care helps Educators to approach ongoing challenges, situations and ways of doing things. By engaging in critical reflection, Educators are better informed when it comes to making decisions. Naomi McLeod on "The Reflexive Educator" in Empowering Early Childhood Educators (Routledge, 2019) believes Educators who engage in reflection can open up new [...]

2020-06-29T17:42:03+10:00June 26th, 2020|Articles, Culture|

Educational Leadership: Driving Continuous Improvement

Educational leadership in early childhood education and care services, supports and develops teams to deliver the most desirable outcomes for children. Effective leadership builds a culture of reflective practice to support continuous improvement across every aspect of the service. Since the role of the Educational Leader commenced in 2012, it has revolved around guiding Educators [...]

2020-02-27T10:25:28+10:00February 27th, 2020|Culture|

At Home Multicultural Activities for Children

Multiculturalism is a word that’s long been associated with Australia. Our country has many different people from diverse backgrounds. By encouraging children to experience multicultural activities at home, it helps them to build positive relationships. The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that all children have the right to feel accepted [...]

2020-01-15T02:00:09+10:00January 14th, 2020|Articles, Culture|

Why Early Childhood Professional Development is Critical

Are you a leader? Participating in early childhood professional development is an excellent step towards becoming a leader in your sector. There are many reasons for Educators in early learning to participate in professional development. Developing leadership skills is one. With so many changes in the early childhood sector, especially with the introduction of the [...]

2019-06-18T19:13:14+10:00May 23rd, 2019|Articles, Culture|

What is the Early Years Learning Framework?

Have you heard of the Early Years Learning Framework or its acronym EYLF? If you’re looking for a daycare solution, you’ll come across these terms and more. Sometimes, they’re used in conjunction with other words like ‘belonging’, ‘being’ and ‘becoming’. For new parents seeking a safe and secure place to care for their child, daycare [...]

2019-06-09T12:59:40+10:00April 30th, 2019|Articles, Culture|

Integrity: Do you have one of the top traits of a child care educator?

One of the essential aspects of the National Quality Framework (NQF) is that it seeks to establish a system of integrity and quality. This is evident in Quality Area 7: Governance and Leadership where effective leaders establish values for all employees including child care educators. Yet integrity permeates throughout the NQS. It also applies to [...]

2019-05-10T13:01:39+10:00April 24th, 2019|Articles, Culture|

Embracing The Value of Play-based Learning

From the moment a child is born, there are playful beginnings. A newborn is hardwired to move about and experiment with how things, like fingers, wiggle and touch. Though it may seem ordinary, a baby naturally embarks on an adventure of a lifetime through play-based learning. Children actively participate in their own development. It is [...]

2019-06-09T13:00:20+10:00March 22nd, 2019|Articles, Culture|
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