Our Blogs2023-07-21T13:54:13+10:00

Welcome to the Petit ELJ Career Blogs

Embedding Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Perspectives into Learning and Play

When we dig deep into the cultures of our home, embedding authentic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into our early childhood curriculum and learning program, we strengthen all children's sense of belonging and identity. [...]

August 25th, 2022|Articles, Culture|

Introducing Our Petit ELJ Learning Management System For Training And Early Childhood Professional Development

Early childhood professional development and training is a topic that is integral to our culture at Petit Early Learning Journey. Our learning management system (LMS) which is accessible to all educators and employees via the [...]

June 30th, 2022|Culture|

Embracing differences: Culturally Diverse Experiences for Pre-schoolers

Australia is a diverse country made up of many cultures and ways of living. Embracing differences and learning about our rich cultures and backgrounds makes us more open and accepting of others. Showing children positive [...]

February 2nd, 2022|Culture|
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